“As a False Claims Act attorney, I represent people who can be rewarded for doing the right thing…”
“I started our qui tam law firm in 1990 because, having handled False Claims Act cases for the Department of Justice, I saw that the success of the Government’s efforts to fight corporate fraud depended on the willingness of private citizens to stand up and report wrongdoing, and that these people needed first-class legal representation. Since that time, I have had the privilege of representing good and courageous people who have been willing to risk their careers to do the right thing. My clients are my inspiration, and I am proud to use all of my skill and experience to guide them through the difficult path of blowing the whistle on corporate fraud. It is hard for me to imagine a more rewarding legal career: I use my skills as a False Claims Act attorney to help our qui tam clients get rewarded for doing what is right, while stopping dishonest corporations from doing what is wrong.”
- Stanford Law, J.D., ’85
- Founder, Vogel, Slade & Goldstein, 1990
- Trial attorney in the commercial frauds section of the Department of Justice’s Civil Division, 1987-1990
- Co-chair of the Procurement Fraud Committee of the ABA’s Public Contract Law Section, 2008-2018, 2022-2023
- Co-chair of the Health Care Fraud & Abuse Subcommittee, ABA Litigation Section’s Committee on Criminal Litigation, 2002-2007
- Law clerk for Hon. Frank M. Johnson, Jr., U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, 1985-86
- Amherst College, B.A. 1981 (summa cum laude, major in Philosophy)
- Taxpayers Against Fraud “Whistleblower Lawyer of the Year” 2013
- Washingtonian Magazine “Top Whistleblower Attorney” 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024
- “State False Claims Acts: A Practitioner’s Guide to the False Claims Laws of the Various States,” ABA Public Contract Law Section (August 2014)
- “The False Claims Act and its Impact on Medical Practices,” Journal of Medical Practice Management,” Vol. 26, No. 1 (July/August 2010)
- “The 2009 Amendments to the FCA,” The Government Contractor, Vol. 51, No. 37 (October 2009)
- “Rockwell: Linking the Relator’s Recovery to His Knowledge,” The False Claims Act and Qui Tam Quarterly Review, Vol. 46 (November 2007)
- “United States v. Whiteside: No Defense Against the Civil False Claims Act,” Criminal Litigation Newsletter, ABA Section of Litigation (Winter 2002-03)
- “Attention Medical Device Manufacturers: Beware of the False Claims Act,” Food & Drug Law Institute’s Update (March 2001)
- “Profiles of Qui Tam Relators: Motives in the Madness” (with Shelley Slade), The Pastin Report (April 2000)
- “What Providers Need to Know About the False Claims Act,” Healthcare Financial Management (March 1996)
- “The Public Disclosure Bar Against Qui Tam Suits,” Public Contract Law Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4 (Summer 1995)
- “Fraud, Whistleblowers, and Home Oxygen Therapy,” AARC Times (July 1993)
- “The False Claims Act and Clinical Laboratories,” Clinical Laboratory Management Association Magazine (1993)
- “Invasion of the Bounty Hunters,” Legal Times (Nov. 16, 1992)
- “Eligibility Requirements for Relators Under Qui Tam Provisions of the False Claims Act,” Public Contract Law Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Summer 1992)
- “Deterrent Effects of ‘Whistleblower’ Lawsuits Justify False Claims Act,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (Nov. 4, 1991)
- “Citizens’ Lawsuits Based on the False Claims Act Have Multiplied,” The National Law Journal (Nov. 26, 1990)
- Has Participated in Over 75 Professional Conferences as a Conference Chair, Moderator, or Panelist